Sunday 6 November 2011

My Comments on how the 'Rock' Genre has adapted over the years

As I stated in an earlier post Rock first began as a mixture of two genres; however in the modern era it is anything but that. It has expanded the most out of any genre of music and in my opinion for the best. Vocals within the genre have changed to such an extent that the technical term 'screaming' as a vocal style is now apparent within many Rock songs, this is in such contrast to how the genre used to sound, with the vocalists singing instead of compressing air from their Diaphragm to express a more harsh, screaming sound.

The music played has disorientated from what it originally was and is now a lot more varied; for example 1950s Rock n' Roll music consisted of (usually) a vocalist, one guitarist and one bassist, usually without a drummer. However now, now Rock music cannot function without a drummer providing a drop-line and also a beat for the rest of the band to follow, drummers also now use fills to create tension within the music making it more enjoyable to listen to

In terms of the actual music videos when comparing the two eras , they are in an almost complete contrast, however a minimal amount of techniques/shots are carried through to today's music videos from videos of an older generation. As seen in the comparison of Elvis and A Day to Remember; the still head and shoulder shot is used throughout the Elvis video, and it is carried through to the A Day to Remember video however with the odd twist, making the shot jittery or even at a slant. Here are two still frames from the two music videos, it is clear that old techniques of filming are still being implemented today within the music industry!

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